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We All Fall Down (To The Level Of Our Systems)

“You do not rise to the level of your goals.  You fall to the level of your systems.”

James Clear

Before the start of every competition, it’s safe to assume that every competitor has the same goal—to win.  And yet, not all do. Only one person wins.  So, what’s the difference maker? Is it the size of a person’s desire? I think someone can want to win remarkably more than other competitors and still lose. Size of desire, in and of itself, isn’t the major factor in winning and losing. So, what is?

It’s what we do with our desire that counts.  If I change my goal from wanting to read one book per month to wanting to read five, but change nothing with my habits—nothing changes!  Yes, it’s important to have the goal identified so you have a direction and focus (and bigger goals might put you on different paths), but once you have that, all of your energy should be directed towards system building.

What do systems look like?  Your system for reading might be to read at least 1 page before bed every night.  Your system for exercising might be to do at least 5 minutes of bodyweight exercise every morning.  Your system for healthy eating might be to eat at least 1 apple every day for lunch.  This, of course, is where size matters—the bigger your systems, the bigger your results.  Systems are the vehicles that are going to take you to your goals—your goals are simply the destination.

This is such an important reminder.  We don’t rise to the level of our goals; we fall to the level of our systems. Don’t share with me your goals; share with me your systems.  Goals don’t impress me—we all want to change the world and do big things.  Share with me what you’re doing every day that’s going to get you there.  That’s where the magic happens.  That’s where thoughts become reality.  That’s where winners spend their time.

Published inArchivesBuilding HabitsLiving Well