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Subtracting Anxiety

Lately, I have been reminding myself that being in a hurry is an excellent sign that I’m out of the present moment.

And I’ve been trying to slow down.

…While I read.

…While I drive.

…While I exercise.

…While I do chores.

…While I engage in conversation.

And there’s a palpable difference in how I feel when I do these things from a “I’m not in a hurry” mindset vs a “the quicker I go, the more I can get done” mindset—even if I’m operating with the same amount of time within each.

Which might have you wondering… how can I have a “I’m not in a hurry” mindset if I’m genuinely in a hurry?

What I tell myself is two fold: (1) Is there anything that’s in my control that I can change? If yes, then I do that… If not, then I accept the situation as is and move forward unhurriedly at the pace I’ve positioned myself to move at. Arguing against reality only makes everything worse. And (2) what can I do to prevent this from happening next time? Because “In a hurry” is not a good place to be.

See, mindset effects everything.

And rushing, as it turns out, is a primary source of anxiety—at least for me.

Subtract the rushing… and you’d be surprised how much anxiety you can subtract from your day, too.

P.s. I finished uploading quotes from If You Meet Buddha On The Road, Kill Him! to MoveMe Quotes. Read through my favorite 46 here

Published inArchivesBeing PresentLiving Well