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Stuck? Or Weighed Down?

The more you hold on to, the heavier life feels.

When you get in the habit of clenching tightly on to:

  • People
  • Places
  • Pains
  • Things
  • Thoughts

Your life eventually becomes so heavy that it drags to a halt.

How could this not be the case if day-after-day you continue to hold on to more than you let go of?

The knapsack that’s full of everything you’re trying to control will eventually surpass your ability to carry it forward. And you’ll be presented with a choice:

Either (1) let go of more so you can start moving forward again or (2) stay where you are and keep a tight grasp on all that you have.

And here’s the question you have to ask yourself: is what I’m holding on to serving me or is it just familiar (and comfortable)? Because if what you’re holding on to isn’t serving you…

Maybe it’s time to start letting it go.

Published inArchivesThe Road To FreedomThinking Clearly