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Strengthening A Weakness Or Weakening A Strength?

Creatives are good at creating; marketers are good at marketing; managers are good at managing.

When creatives realize they need to market their creations—they might try to learn the skills of a marketer.

When marketers realize they could profit more from their own creations—they might try to learn the skills of a creative.

And sometimes, the creative or the marketer might even decide to start and manage their own business where they must learn the skills of the creative, the marker, and the manager.

Here’s what you need to ask yourself: is the time I’m investing in learning how to improve upon my weaker areas as beneficial as the time I could be investing in tripling down on my strengths? Would I be better off teaming up with someone whose strengths compliment my weaknesses?

When you seek to strengthen a weakness, be careful you don’t end up weakening a strength.

Published inArchivesBeing ProductiveThinking Clearly