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Stop Waiting To Be Saved

You’ll always be disappointed if you’re always waiting for some big force to save you.

  • A letter from the government saying all of your debt has been forgiven.
  • For all of the demeaning people in your life to suddenly become compassionate.
  • The “magic pill” to finally be invented so you no longer have to exercise or eat well.

When you stop expecting these things to happen, suddenly, there’s no longer any disappointment. Just a refocused use of energy from what’s out of your control (government, people, metabolism, etc.) to what’s within. Now, you’re mental energy can be devoted to:

  • A clearly budgeted and well-thought out financial plan to tackle the debt you’re in.
  • A strategy for cutting out demeaning people and including more compassionate folks.
  • A ritual that allows you to eat well and exercise in enjoyable and long-term focused ways.

If you find yourself disappointed often, it might be because you’re waiting to be saved.

Save yourself.

Published inArchivesBeing Action OrientedLiving Well