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Stop Fighting For Access To Your Own Energy

Boundaries are the walls of your cup that allow you to keep precious energy in.

No boundaries, no walls; no walls, no way to keep energy in.

…And the byproduct is energy overflowing everywhere, up and out from the source of your being, and left up for grabs to whoever is willing to take it—yourself included in that fight.

Fighting for access to your own energy is no way to live.

And if, in fact, you feel like you haven’t had much energy for life, it probably isn’t so much an energy problem as it is a boundary problem. More caffeine, for example, only adds to the overflowing-up-for-grabs-energy that enters the fighting arena.

Construct walls around your energy.

Build up the outer perimeter of your cup.

And stop leaving your life source up for grabs.

Serve yourself a fine cup of that tasty, juicy life energy first and foremost and deliberately choose who you’d like to serve the rest to, second.

This is the way.

The opposite only gives life to the ones who usually deserve it the least—the takers, the manipulators, the narcissists, etc.

Starve them of your life energy and let the source of their power slowly die.

P.s. I also published: The Ultimate Boundary Builder List – 101 Quotes On Boundaries To Take You From Zero to Boundary Hero

Published inArchivesHealthy BoundariesUnderstanding Love