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Specific Gratitude

The more specific you can be with your gratitude, the more impactful it will be.

Specificity requires a more careful, deep thought process which naturally challenges you to spend more time and pull from deeper parts inside of yourself. General gratitude happens in less time and from a more peripheral area which naturally makes it less impactful and more fleeting.

“I’m thankful for my spouse,” for example, is not the same as “I’m thankful for the effort my spouse puts into making me feel seen and heard—from the way they lock eye contact to the way they silently nod and let me finish my complete train of thought to the way they respond deliberately and elegantly.”

There’s no denying the impact of any and all practiced gratitude.

Specificity, however, is how you unleash the power of gratitude in full.

P.s. I’m so incredibly grateful for the support I received in the launch of my first ever digital product—from the purchases, to the shares, to the reviews, to the comments, to the just plain great vibes… it was an overwhelmingly positive day and I am deeply grateful for each of you who contributed to it. You know who you are. Thank you :)

Published inArchivesFeeling FulfilledLiving Well