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Simplifying Exercise

Not all exercises are created equal.

Doing general cardio vs bodyweight exercises vs light-moderate resistance training vs plyometrics vs heavy lifting all produce different kinds of results.

And if you’ve ever done any research into it—it can all be quite overwhelming and confusing on which is better and which is worse for different types of people in different types of unique circumstances.

But, never let the type of exercise or the specific exercises you might choose stop you from doing the most important thing: exercising.

Something is always better than nothing. And you don’t need to have an elaborately optimized routine in order to get the majority of the benefits from exercising. You just need to do it.

And consider this: I find that certain exercises lead to increased mental resistance over others, yet work the same body parts. For example, I’ve found that I’m allergic to deadlifts. And so, rather than stop exercising my back altogether, I’ve substituted in lower back bodyweight exercises and moderate resistance training strategies instead.

…Would heavy deadlifts lead to more overall benefits? Possibly.

But, if I can get 80% of the benefits with what feels to me to be 80% less mental resistance—it’s an easy win for me. Both now and long-term (the most important term to consider when it comes to lifestyle habits).

And so I pass the question off to you: what would make exercise simpler for you and less misery inducing and more enjoyable overall?

P.s. I finished uploading quotes from The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. You can read my 31 favorites here.

Published inArchivesHealth and FitnessLiving Well