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Self-Care or Distraction?

  • Self-care is more than spa days.
  • Self-care is more than bubble baths.
  • Self-care is more than scented candles, tea, and fuzzy blankets.

There’s nothing wrong with the above… after all, they each can certainly put you into a better state of mind (so you can better address what’s wrong).

The problem, of course, is that none of the above deals with what’s wrong.

Real self-care happens when you actually confront and address what’s wrong. And if what follows spa days, bubble baths, and fuzzy blankets entails addressing what’s wrong—then by all means.

But, don’t exclusively reserve “self-care time” with the above and ignore the things that are making you feel like you need “self-care time.” Because then you’re just fooling yourself into engaging in another distraction that’s no better than Netflix, night’s out, and Tik Tok.

P.s. These daily posts are a form of self-care for me. If they’ve helped you, you can buy me a coffee (or tea) here to support the ongoing effort. Thanks in advance :)

Published inArchivesHealing Not HealedTransforming Pain