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Reality On Repeat

Your current reality doesn’t have to be your forever reality.

  • You can learn new skills.
  • You can read new content.
  • You can try new activities/ hobbies.
  • You can change the people around you.
  • You can confront the baggage of your past and change how you see the world.

Or you can not do any of those things and continue to live your current reality on repeat.

The question you should reflect on carefully is: if I copied and pasted the general trends in all areas of my life (i.e. health, wealth, relationships) from the past year into this next upcoming year, would the results leave me feeling disappointed or thrilled?

Anything short of thrilled should raise an eyebrow in your mind.

If you want to change your reality then you’re going to have to change something in your reality. And the best way to do that is quickly—before your comfort zone can even process what’s happening. Here’s the plan: take an inertia-breaking action (the hardest part) and then keep the momentum going forward for as long as you can possibly manage it.

Inertia is the better-reality-killer.


  • Enroll in a dope course!
  • Read the first page of that book you’ve been wanting to start!
  • Sign up for a free Martial Arts class!
  • Invite someone cool to coffee!
  • Schedule a meeting with a therapist!

Don’t complicate the first step. Just take it. Break the inertia that has been boxing you into your reality re-run for too damn long.

Make the decision to live today for the tomorrow you can be thrilled about.

Published inArchivesDirection MattersLiving Well