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Real—Not Reel

Most people have ugly parts in their story.

Most people suppress those ugly parts and share beauty on reels instead.

The thing about beauty reels, however, is that they generally stop at the surface.

And what most people crave, now more than ever, is that which goes beyond the surface.

What most people yearn for is a closer look at what’s been suppressed… what’s behind the beauty… the very thing which you thought you had to hide…

What most people want to know more than anything else is that you, too, have ugly parts in your story… that they’re not alone… that you’re imperfect too…

They want to know what makes you REAL—not a reel.

P.s. I’m on a mission to help busy people do inner work—to help them live better lives. If these daily pieces have impacted you, you can support my ongoing work here. Thank you 🙂 ☕️

Published inArchivesOn VulnerabilityUnderstanding Love