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Pure Harmony

While food shopping, I saw a can of meat branded as “Pure Harmony.”

Branding like this really ticks me off because pure harmony is the exact opposite of what’s in that can.

As consumers, it’s important to be aware of the impact of our purchase decisions. Whatever we buy increases demand. And so long as there’s a demand, so, too, will there be a continued supply.

Mind you, Pure Harmony, in this instance, is for dog food and I’m not advocating you turn your dog vegan (mine’s not).

I am, however, encouraging you to be mindful of the decisions you make for yourself and your family—modern day marketing can by tricky! Happy cows, dancing chickens, brands names like Pure Harmony, etc… I didn’t make the connection between my food shopping choices and the world at large until I was in my mid-20’s.

Making simple changes like switching dairy milk to a nondairy substitute, or practicing “Meatless Mondays,” or cutting out red meat altogether can have a disproportionately significant impact. One that’s beneficial for the animals, the environment, and your health.

And if nothing else, think of the real step towards harmony you take when the food you eat doesn’t cost an animal their life…

But, I digress.

P.s. If you have any questions about eating less meat or dairy, send a reply to this email.

Published inArchivesLiving WellMaking A Difference