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Protect Your Power

You don’t lose your power; you give your power away.

For what you hold in your hands can be ripped away; but, not what you hold in your heart.

What you keep within the walls of your house can be stolen; but, not what you protect within the walls of your character.

Even what you lock tightly inside the thickest of safes can be repossessed; but, not what you lock tightly inside the safe of your mind.

Within each of us is something great.

A heart, a mind, and a strength of character that has limitless potential. THAT is power. Not what you hold in your hands or protect in your house or stow away deep inside of a safe.

Remember this whenever anybody tries to take your power. They will try to seduce your heart, brainwash your mind, and manipulate your character for their own benefit.

They will try to convince you to voluntarily give your power away. Don’t let them. Protect your power as if it was the most important power you possessed in your life.

Because, quite frankly, it is.

Published inArchivesHealthy BoundariesUnderstanding Love