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Pace, Posture, Breathing…

This was my mantra during my second marathon.

It was a constant call of my attention to revisit the fundamentals of what was going to get me across that far and away finish line.

And they’re fundamentals that can help you cross the far and away finish lines in your life, too.

  • Pace: Resist the urge to run your marathon at your 1-mile pace. When you’re fresh, of course you can run faster. Those who can resist this temptation and can force themselves to run their marathons at their 26.2 mile pace are the ones who will be able to keep running even when they’re no longer fresh. This is the pace you must plan for.
  • Posture: When you have to repeat around 39,733 consecutive strides, even a slight break in posture or form can cause repetitive use pains/injuries—as is the case in daily life. And not just breaks in physical posture (i.e. hunching your back), but breaks in mental posture, too. On average we have around 12,000 – 60,000 thoughts per day—marathons in their own right. Is your mind chronically “hunched over” or “postured upright?”
  • Breathing: Erratic, shallow breathing drowns the body in carbon dioxide and forces fatigue. Having a consistent, adequate supply of oxygen is the fuel that allows the muscles to keep working optimally. Set a pace in your life that allows you to stay fresh; that allows you to breathe deeply. Listen to your body.

Reflect: Which area of your long-term goal achievement game could use the biggest improvement? What’s a small, but impactful action you can take that will help you improve in that category? Can you start today?

Published inArchivesBuilding HabitsLiving Well