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Outside/Inside Life Connection

I’m 35 years old and I don’t think I’ve ever been more excited about a year ahead.

I’m more in tune with who I am than I’ve ever been.

I’m more confident in my path than I’ve ever been.

I’m connected to more amazing people than I’ve ever been.

And you know what’s interesting about those statements that I didn’t even realize until I just typed them out?

…I’m connected to more amazing people than I’ve ever been BECAUSE I’m more confident in my path than I’ve ever been BECAUSE I’m more in tune with who I am than I’ve ever been BECAUSE (and this is the real key) of all the inner work I’ve been doing every day for the past 5 years.

Life on the outside is always a reflection of life on the inside.

Commit to improving your life on the inside and slowly, slowly… life on the outside will undoubtedly follow suit.

Published inArchivesDefining SuccessThinking Clearly