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On Keeping Your Grass Green

The grass is greener on the other side—particularly when you’re comparing your grass to others’. Someone’s grass will always be greener than yours by comparison. But, if you stop comparing your grass to others, you might be able to reallocate that time to caring for your own… thus making it greener than it ever could have been before.

The grass is greener where you water it—especially when water comes in finite quantities. If you spray your water on other people’s lawns all day… don’t be surprised when your lawn is dying and yellow. Water your grass first, invest a little extra where it’s struggling, and gift the rest to others—in that order. And don’t be stingy with your water when you’re done taking care of yours… the beautiful thing about tomorrow is you’ll always get a full refill to use once again.

Finally, one more… but first, context: I uploaded a quote today to MMQ that said: “Maybe you don’t need to move abroad, dump the boyfriend or quit the job. Maybe you just need to learn to appreciate what you have. The grass is greener where you water it.” To which I’d encourage you to consider another equally important variable: The grass is greener where it’s less toxic—sometimes you do, indeed, just need to either move or get some new grass altogether… And not because you’re not thankful… but because you’re smart and know that environmental health is just as important as any other variable.

Inner Work Prompt: What would you say is the state of your “lawn.” How healthy/unhealthy is it? Why? What do you need to do (really) to make it greener?

Published inArchivesPrioritiesThinking Clearly