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On Following The Pulls Of Our Pendulum

Sometimes, like a pendulum, when you push too hard or for too long into one area of interest you find yourself feeling this natural pull in the exact opposite direction and away from it.

This is what happened to me with personal development.

I was HEAVY into the personal development scene for years. I read all the books. I listened to all the podcasts. I went to all the seminars. Heck, I even created a personal development quote curation website.

And then, one day, I just couldn’t listen to another personal development podcast… and I started listening to music instead.

And then, on another day, I just couldn’t read another personal development book… and I read a novel instead.

And then, on yet another day, I just couldn’t spend my vacation days on another personal development seminar… and I decided to go to a music show instead.

…And you know what?

I feel like I’ve personally developed far more following the pulls of my pendulum and listening to my inner compass than I ever would’ve if I kept shoving personal development down my throat.

This isn’t to say anything negative about personal development books, podcasts, or seminars. It’s simply to say… sometimes we need to pay more attention to the personal in our continued development.

Our inner guidance knows the way. We just have to pay close enough attention and honor it.

Published inArchivesIdentityThinking Clearly