Such a simple idea that could significantly help customer oriented businesses: treat customers the way you would want to be treated as a customer.
I have been stunned at how I’ve been treated by several major companies lately and it just makes me wonder how such disconnected practices and systems have been put into place?
Like… YOU, customer service representative, would HATE the very experience you’re putting me through right now if YOU were the customer… How have we gotten here? Why is it like this? How can we change it?
Some of you reading this are in customer oriented businesses. And I encourage you to challenge your practices and systems and see if they pass the above test.
And some of you maybe aren’t. But, you certainly interact with them regularly. Keep pushing back against bad practices and bad systems. Keep voicing your frustrations and suggestions for improvement. Keep voting for good business with how you spend your money… and stop giving money to companies who have bad business practices.
Big change never happens all at once.
…It happens slowly, slowly. One push, one shove, one vote at a time.