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Not Special

It’s in recognizing that I am imperfect that the foundation of my practice is formed.

  • If I don’t choose exercise… I know I’ll choose gluttony.
  • If I don’t choose reading… I know I’ll default to screen time.
  • If I don’t choose writing… I know I’ll excuse my poor thinking.
  • If I don’t choose sleeping… I know I’ll lean on caffeine.
  • If I don’t choose courage… I know I’ll find clever ways to hide.

What fuels my daily practice isn’t some special force. It’s precisely the knowing that I’m not special—that I am no more immune to the temptations of the world than others—that fuels me.

I know for a fact that if I don’t make time for the things I listed above… I’ll undoubtedly choose what’s most appealing to my lazy/ ignorant/ unclear/ tired/ fearful self.

I know this because I’ve lived it. And because I’ve lived it and have felt deeply the long-term consequences of my many imperfect decisions… I am able to see more clearly in the now and iterate towards better.

Never perfect is the goal. Always improving is the path. Not as imperfect as before is the winning metric.

…And that’s the foundation that I know I can keep building on.

P.s. If you like that I choose writing… you can support my future work by grabbing me a coffee here. :)

Published inArchivesDoing What's HardLiving Well