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No Harm; No Foul

Don’t let upset people upset you.

Don’t let angry people anger you.

Don’t let frustrated people frustrate you.

Let your mind become a relentless filter that protects the purity of your thoughts from the unforgiving (oftentimes misunderstood) feelings of the world.

How to do this?

By understanding that:

Upset people are feeling upset for a reason.

Angry people would much rather not be angry.

Frustrated people have been trying their hardest and to no avail.

Once we stop taking things personally and understand that everybody is probably just doing the best they can, with what they have (and have been given), where they are—we can approach these interactions with compassion and curiosity instead.

And, if it becomes obvious that they are not interested in changing their state or getting any help from you—you move on.

No harm; no foul.

Their state is a reflection of them—your state is a reflection of you.

No need to get them twisted.

Published inArchivesHelping OthersTransforming Pain