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My Biggest Lesson From 2021

Control your information feeds to control your future.

What goes in is what will, eventually, come back out. And what comes out is what will determine how your future plays out.

Because we can’t control what happens to us, but we can absolutely control what comes out of us when things do happen. And if we want things to come out that are going to keep us moving forward, then we need to take the time required now to fill our minds with the best forward-moving information we can collect.

Not only does this mean less passive entertainment, news, and mind-numbing tasks (and more books, podcasts, and art)—it means curating your media feeds and training social media sites to only show you high-quality information.

One of the most important actions I took in 2021 that helped me significantly improve my future (my today) was shifting focus from Instagram to Twitter.

Instagram became a toxic place for me that was filled with images and videos of people in picture-perfect shape, living unbelievable lifestyles, and flaunting things that my ego craved.

It became a platform on which I would compare myself to everybody else—which is the root of all unhappiness. Twitter was like a breath of fresh air.

With its mind-first focus, it was like I was able to connect directly with people’s thoughts and our brains were able to vibe before we ever caught a glimpse of each other’s highlight reels.

My bottom line biggest takeaway is this: remove any and all comparison triggers; control your information feeds; immerse your mind in an ocean of insight—and watch as your future becomes yours.

Here are two (more) lessons from 2021.

Published inArchivesThe Power Of ReflectionThinking Clearly