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Moving Forward In Thought

Sometimes, what your negative/ demeaning/ hateful thoughts need is a freaking way out.

Moving the thought from the head, through the body, to the hand or mouth, and out into paper/ keyboard/ conversation are all excellent strategies.

Nothing fancy required.

No special journals, questions, or prompts… Just plainly writing/ expressing/ sharing what’s on your mind so as to give your mind space from the thing it’s holding.

It’s not always obvious to people that this works.

They think more thinking is what needs to be done. But, what ends up happening is that the brain becomes overwhelmed with remembering—which throttles its thinking ability and essentially handicaps it from coming up with new thoughts (solutions).

By relieving the brain of some of that info, new space is freed up for fresh thinking that’ll eventually lead to either solutions or releasing (which is sometimes all we really need).

Don’t underestimate the power of writing, typing, and discussing what’s on your mind. It’s one of the most powerful means for moving forward in thought.

P.s. I asked: “How do YOU stop negative thinking” on Twitter. Here are the answers. I hope they help. 🌱

Published inArchivesProblem SolvingThinking Clearly