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Morning Hours vs. Evening Hours

A belief I’ve recently identified that’s limiting me:

My brain: “11pm/12pm bed time… same thing”

Also my brain: “If I could just wake up at 7am instead of 8am, my day would go 100% smoother.”

Point being, if I can keep the importance of an hour in my mind at night—then I get to take back a crucial hour of my day in the morning.

…Because according to my body, 8 hours of sleep is non-negotiable.

And by 11pm at night, there’s really nothing I’m going to do that won’t be done better at 7am the next day.

Worth reflecting on for yourself: what’s a belief you’re holding on to that’s limiting you?

P.s. I’ll be going to Burning Man this week! If you enjoy these daily posts, you can send a little love via coffee here. I could definitely use the caffeine for this partially-insane experience. ;)

Published inArchivesSelf-Limiting BeliefsThinking Clearly