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Category: Miscellaneous

I Got My First Ever Tattoo Today…

…Permanently inking onto my body three images that symbolically represent three deeply meaningful concepts to me. They are:

1) A tree with exposed roots: symbolically reminding me that the branches of happiness can only ever reach as high as the roots of sadness go deep. It’s a reminder that down is often the means to higher up. And that inner work—work that looks at the darker, heavier, maybe less desirable emotions—is often the means to the lighter, warmer, maybe more desirable emotions.

2) A reading warrior: symbolically representing mind/body balance. That the ultimate virtue—the path that’ll lead to the greatest realization of our potential—is the harmonistic continued development of both mind and body. That one without the other leads to more throttling than gains.

…And more pointedly, that mental readiness for battle (literal and metaphorical) is just as important as physical readiness.

3) An enso circle shaped as a sun in the background: symbolically representing the deep connection between presence and warmth. The enso itself is traditionally drawn in a single brushstroke as an expression of the moment and is a reminder for me to always come back to the here and now. Because it’s here, and only here, that we can each ever truly express the warmth that we were born to share.

…And why not just make this my phone screensaver or framed picture in my house? …I guess, for me, it’s because it shows a different level of seriousness. It demonstrates my resolve. It shows a level of determination to live by these principles that a picture or a screensaver doesn’t quite match.

The Most Surprising Realization I’ve Had From 1,500 Days Of Daily Writing

One of the most surprising realizations I’ve had from 1,500 days of daily writing is that daily writing makes me better… at everything.

It makes me better at:

  • Speaking
  • Listening
  • Coaching
  • Reading
  • Relating
  • Being (Present)
  • Strategizing
  • Healing
  • Helping
  • Meditating
  • Sleeping
  • Exercising
  • Taking Risks
  • Taking Ownership
  • Taking Aim
  • Building
  • Breaking Things Down
  • Solving Problems
  • Prioritizing
  • Relaxing
  • Simplifying
  • Optimizing
  • Living… My best life…

And these were just the things that came to the top of my mind in a matter of minutes…

…I simply can’t think of a single area of my life that hasn’t been improved from daily writing.

And maybe… if improving every aspect of your life sounds like a good thing… you could try it, too?

P.s. Hat tip to Craig for inspiring this post. Thanks for all of your support.

Day 1,500

Today marks day 1,500 of daily writing…!

And in honor of this huge milestone, here are some pivotal moments that shaped this journey:

January 1, 2020: Day 1. The day I overcame imposter syndrome. The day I took a quote, wrote a few paragraphs, numbered the bottom: (1/365), and posted it to FB. The post that eventually became this article.

January 3, 2020: Knowing I didn’t want these posts to be owned by FB, I created “Beyond the Quote” where they could be housed for peace of mind. Here’s Day 3’s post. This carried on through Day 414.

December 10, 2020: Throughout year 1, I felt like I had something to prove… and the length of my posts showed it. Here’s an example of the length I was trying to crank out each day… it was mentally exhausting.

December 24, 2020: I took a road trip that completely changed my perspective. It helped me realize I had nothing to prove and marks the day I started writing drastically shorter posts.

January 1, 2021: Day 365/365…! Mission complete! …And my thoughts.

February 3, 2021: Created a FB group so that readers could get notifications. Posted there from Day 400Day 1,092.

February 18, 2021: (Day 414) Created Felt like the words I was sharing deserved their own house and audience outside of MoveMe Quotes.

November 2021-ish: Gave myself a formal constraint: No more than 280 words allowed.

January 1, 2022: 2 Year mark… and my biggest takeaway.

October 30, 2022: Day 1,000… and the 25 biggest lessons I learned up until that point.

February 9, 2024: Day 1,500… systems in place… pace established… and no signs of fatigue in sight.

The Quarter Freezer Trick

Take a plastic cup of water and let it freeze in your freezer.

Then, put a quarter on top of the frozen water.

If you ever lose power, this little trick will show you whether the food in your freezer is still good or not.

…If the quarter is still on top or has only partially sunk—your food is likely still okay.

…If the quarter has sunk to the bottom, it means your food likely thawed to room or close to room temperature and should likely be tossed.

This was a fun little tip that I learned today that I thought would be fun to pass along to you.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

My 2024 Goals

I wrote the other day about five things I’m seriously considering pursuing in 2024.

As I mentioned at the end of that post, I know it’s not a good idea to try and accomplish all five. It’d be better to focus on one and give it 100%. And after careful reflection, here’s where I landed:

1. My number one goal for 2024 is to publish one long-form post every week. The reason is because I want to be able to share my writing with more people without having to do the social media dance. There’s no doubt that it’s an invaluable tool, but I’ve decided to take an alternate route. One that’s focused on (1) Article SEO—so people can find me via search engines and (2) Submitting pieces to magazine-like brands who have readers interested in the things I might write about. In short, the goal is to grow my audience with minimal social.

2. My second major goal is to complete my next two digital guides. They’re already mapped out, I just need to get them done. This will complete my first series of lessons on how people can come into alignment with their life—one of the main focuses of my coaching, teaching, and writing.

3. Once those are complete, my final big goal for 2024 (that I’ll only start after the two guides are done) is to create a self-paced video course that uses those guides as the syllabus. It’ll be an incredibly powerful tool that’ll bring all of the written lessons to life and provide added context, community interaction, and more.

…Let’s do this.

P.s. What are your goals for 2024? Shoot me a reply 🙂

Gone To Burning Man!

From Saturday (8/26/23) to Tuesday (9/5/23), I’ll be off grid.

That means, you won’t get daily emails from me until I get back on the grid on Wednesday (9/6/23)-ish.

Rest assured, I’ll still be writing daily—it’ll just take on a more primitive form (that’s right folks… pen and paper).

And when I get back, I’ll share what words made it to paper during what I’m expecting to be a wild, curious, mysterious, serendipitous, and nothing-short-of-inspirational week.

Don’t know what Burning Man is? I can barely explain it. But, this video does a pretty solid job.

Thank you to each of you for your ongoing support. I look forward to reconnecting when I get back. ♥

P.s. If you’re feeling generous, you can send a little love via coffee here. This trip will definitely require copious amounts of caffeine. Cheers 🙂

Three Birthday Lessons

Today is my birthday.

And as I reflect on this last year, there are a few lessons that stand out as highlight themes:

  • Slow down. Faster isn’t better. In almost every case, with everyday living as the subject, slower is better. Because slower calms our body, which calms our mind, which calms our spirit. And a calm spirit is a more present spirit. And if we’re not present for life, then what the hell is the point?
  • No hesitation. Whenever I find myself on the fence about a thing I know I should do and the thing my ego wants me to do (e.g. household chores vs create AI art), I speak “No hesitation” into my mind as a mantra and react appropriately asap. If there’s one thing I’ve learned from building habits, it’s that the larger the gap is between fence-thought and response, the less likely I am to do it.
  • Take more shots. This past year I created my first ever digital product (something that imposter syndrome stopped me from doing for over a decade prior); I’ve joined a handful of new classes / activities so as to meet new people and reengage in activities as a beginner (e.g. basketball, modern arnis, yoga, meditation, dance, etc); and have taken more initiative in family and friend efforts (e.g. getting a run buddy, attending every wedding/ graduation/ reunion/ birthday party/ funeral I could, and said “yes” to more invites, etc).

In summary, I’d say this past year has been about living with more courage (more shots), control (no hesitation), and presence (slowing down). Three words I’ll be carrying close with me as the adventure continues into year 34. Cheers 🙂