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Mind Weight

Thoughts drain energy like movement drains energy.

Anyone who has sat at a desk for an entire day knows. You could have not gotten up once—not have spent a single calorie from physical movement—and still finished feeling like you unloaded an entire house’s worth of furniture from a moving truck that day—by yourself.

Which is simply to say: if your thoughts are rushing, bustling, and heavy—you’re going to tire more quickly.

And so if you want to do more inside your days—or maybe just do the things you’re doing better/ with more alertness and vitality—you have to learn to let go.

…Let go of the arguments you’re no longer having. Let go of the feelings of comparison that are making you feel like you’re not good enough. Let go of the self-limiting and self-sabotaging beliefs that do nothing but add weight to your mind.

In a world that’s obsessed with increasing energy levels through inputs… coffee… espressos… energy bars/ shots/ gummies/ etc… Maybe focusing on lighting your load is where you’ll actually get the greatest results… through meditation… journaling… therapeutic conversation… etc.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Published inArchivesCalming The MindThinking Clearly