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Mental Stretching

Before intense exercise, we stretch (or at least we should).

We do this to prepare the body for what’s to come. We extend our muscles to their maximum range and hold them there so as to tell them, “I might need to take you to this point at some point—don’t freak out; don’t get pulled; don’t rip. I need you to perform at peak capacity and I want to conclude without any injuries from the process. What’d you say, muscles? Are you ready to do this?!”

What a brilliant practice.

One that I think more of us need to adopt for more than our bodies—but, for our minds, too.

How often do we have mentally intense days? I’d bet all of the time.

…And how often do we mentally stretch for those mentally intense days? I’d bet rarely, if ever.

What if, instead of rushing out of bed late and jumping into the mentally intense challenges of the day cold, groggy, and stiff… What if we spent a few minutes each morning doing some mental stretching? What if we reviewed and renewed our principles and values? Or recited the mantras or prayers that guide us? Or visualized our day unfolding and preemptively planned for curveballs or possible contingencies?

…I’d say, what stretching does for our intense workouts physically, so, too, will it do for our intense days mentally.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Published inArchivesBeing ProductiveThinking Clearly