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Measures Of Success:

The first five were from Stephen Parato:

  1. Number of “Aha” moments
  2. Number of heartfelt “I love yous”
  3. Number of heartfelt “Thank yous”
  4. Number of full immersions in flow state
  5. Number of times being completely awe-struck by the beauty of existence

Which inspired these five from me:

  1. Number of moments spent belly laughing
  2. Number of moments spent looking at a fire
  3. Number of moments spent deep in conversation
  4. Number of times you published/ shared/ shipped your art
  5. Number of moments spent completely present with loved ones

I’d love to keep the list going… either journal or reply… what are some “real” measures of success to you?

Published inArchivesDefining SuccessThinking Clearly