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Looking Problems Dead In The Eye

I felt an interesting shift happen in me when I sent out yesterday’s post about NOT being on track with my 2024 goals.

…Like that post in and of itself helped replenish my depleted inner sponge.

…Like admitting I wasn’t perfect at following through on what I initially set out to do freed me in some unexpected way(s).

…Like sharing something imperfectly human like that made me feel more in tune with my imperfect human nature.

…And, most surprisingly, like I can now proceed forward from that “wrung out” slump and begin the process of “refilling” and engaging in additional creation efforts.

It makes me think that this is why we state the challenges we’re facing out loud… so that we can (finally) look them dead in the eye, see them, shape them, feel them, understand them, and begin the process of moving forward from them.

…Rather than allowing them to remain as open processes in the background of our mind that lurk in the shadowy parts of our awareness… sucking life energy from our days that could otherwise be devoted to solving the very things we’re just not clearly stating (and therefore not looking at) as problems.

P.s. I finished uploading quotes from The Prophet. You can read my 18 favorites here.

Published inArchivesProblem SolvingThinking Clearly