What a waste to miss out on what’s here because we're too busy whining about dreaming about scheming about what’s over there.
I help busy people do inner work.
What a waste to miss out on what’s here because we're too busy whining about dreaming about scheming about what’s over there.
The less I need the better I feel.
I start to need less when I stop listening to those who tell me I need more.
Therefore, the path to feeling better is to get better at avoiding (both literally and virtually) more-ons (the people who turn your mind on to needing more).
It’s quiet up here Above clouds Above signals Above noise I’m disconnected And my mind begins to float. Looking down I imagine What’s being said What’s being heard What’s calling for attention And I brush at my beard over what’s not. Not everything needs noise To feel seen To feel heard To feel connected But noise isn't the type To just give in or relent. The window calls me back And as I look upon the clouds And vast sky And bend of the earth I feel a deep sense of calm and— I glance back at my screen I clack a few keys Move around a few lines And unknowingly wonder how I might Maximize this poem's Shares and likes.
With exercise: you get out what you put in.
With learning: you get out what you put in.
With relationships: you get out what you put in.
If you don’t feel like you’re getting enough out, try putting more in.
You’re much more likely to grow a tree by planting seeds than you are just waiting for the seeds to plant themselves.
The same is true for growing people.
You’re much more likely to inspire growth in people by planting mind seeds than you are waiting for the seeds to plant themselves.
The ones who get ahead in the digital age are the ones who know how to discipline themselves with their screens.
These are the people who:
Isn’t it interesting how in the age of information, so many around us still seem to be so lost?
Like how so much of what people are focused on is backwards from what they actually should be focused on?
It all boils down to a priorities imbalance.
What we have to recognize is:
The urge is to do what’s urgent.
The key to getting ahead is to discipline yourself against that urge and do what’s important instead.