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Category: Making A Difference

On Being Helpful

Sometimes the best way to be helpful isn’t to ask how you can be helpful.

…It’s to look for what needs to get done and to get to work helping to get it done.

This is as true when you’re being temporarily hosted by a family member who’s doing it all as it is when you’re being temporarily hosted by this planet who’s being exploited for it all.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

A Better World Via Better Moments

A simple formula guaranteed to make the world a better place:

  • Leave each room you spend time in better than you found it.
  • Leave each person you converse with warmer than you found them.
  • Leave each natural setting you traverse cleaner than you found it.

If we can get into the habit of actively seeking opportunities to improve the world inside our daily moments… how could we not improve the world via our life?

P.s. I also published: 15 Quotes from Stutz (2022) on Therapy, Healing, and Vulnerability.

Knocking On Doors

Things I discovered today from knocking on neighbors’ doors after the Buffalo Blizzard:

  • An elderly neighbor, who had an electric stove (but no electricity) had no way of heating up the food she had stored.
  • Two neighbors had no way of communicating (in case of serious emergency) because their phones died (and they were completely snowed in their houses).
  • A really unlucky neighbor’s window got smashed in early into the blizzard (from a patio pole that came loose from wind gusts)—causing blizzard like conditions to scream into her living room of her unpowered house.

I share this, not to share how helpful I was in helping solve these problems, but as a reminder that sometimes, the people who need the most help are the ones who have the most trouble asking.

The elderly neighbor wasn’t gonna trudge through the snow knocking on doors to ask for help—and the neighbor whose window got smashed in was so barricaded with snow that she couldn’t even open her front door without risking it breaking from bowing.

This goes for the people in everyday weather situations just as much as it does for people in the midst of a post-blizzard reality.

If you can find it in yourself to take the initiative, offer help proactively, and make it a regular selfless practice of asking something as simple as: “Hey! Is there anything I can do to help you?”—I imagine you’ll make a profound impact in the lives of some really grateful, humble-hearted people.

Greater Good

  • Trolling
  • Blaming
  • Criticizing
  • Demeaning
  • Condemning

Will never come close to the overall positive impact that…

  • Accepting responsibility
  • Glorifying goodness
  • Spreading kindness
  • Role modeling
  • Forgiving

…Will have.

We sometimes do the former (consciously and unconsciously) thinking that it’s for a greater good… but, the real greater good comes from doing the latter.

P.s. Want to really change your world? Become a modern day alchemist.

A Better Tomorrow Made Easy

Things you can do today for a better tomorrow MINUS the grandiosity and IN SPITE of being busy:

  • Smile
  • Relax
  • Listen
  • Greet first
  • Go second
  • Hold doors
  • Ignore haters
  • Pay compliments
  • Round up for charity
  • Commit kindness acts
  • Clean up after yourself
  • Clean up after others
  • Check in on loved ones
  • Check in on yourself
  • Ask interesting questions
  • Journal the answers to interesting questions

Just because *the* world is presenting the opposite doesn’t mean *your* world has to.

Shield yourself from *the* world by becoming an atmospheric influence in your own right.

P.s. Here’s a list of 101 Acts of Kindness That’ll Help Recalibrate The World.

Never Forget

What thought(s) significantly changed your life for the better? …For the worst?

Good. Now never forget the power of your thoughts.

What’s one of the most powerful things you’ve ever been told? …Most hurtful things?

Good. Now never forget the power of your words.

Who has had one of the biggest influences on your life? …One of the worst?

Good. Now never forget the power of influence you have on all of those around you.

Our World Sucks

Wishing the world was a better place is nice—but not useful.

Complaining about how bad of a place the world is—is the opposite of useful.

Talk is cheap. And what our world needs is far from cheap…

What we need is the good stuff… the gold… what we need is more do-something-about-it.

I asked: What’s ONE thing you’ve either added or subtracted from your life that led to more inner peace? Here are the answers. I hope they help.