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Category: Investing In Yourself

Making Time For Each Of Your Dimensions

We are a mind, a body, and a spirit.

We cannot perform at peak capacity with just one and not the others.

Train the body to improve the mind; train the mind to improve the body.

Train the mind to improve the spirit; train the spirit to improve the mind.

Train the spirit to improve the body; train the body to improve the spirit.

Order doesn’t matter.

Spending time on EACH is what matters.

Prioritize Feeling Great

What are the things that make you feel great?

And I’m not talking about 10 seconds great… I’m talking about 10 hours great.

I’m not talking about pleasure-seeking tasks—I’m talking about soul-filling tasks.

Exercising? Walking? Journaling? Meditating? Stretching?

First of all, once you come up with your list—why not include each of those things into each of the days of your week?

Why would you ever skip out on the things that make you feel great?

Your state—mentally, physically, emotionally—affects everything else in life. And so they should get the top priority each and every day.

Especially on the days when your state is at its lowest.

Skipping state-boosting tasks when you feel off/down/awful is a mistake and only reinforces that feeling of off/down/or awful.

And, worth noting, skipping them on the days when your state is at its highest is also a mistake.

Because if you stop doing the things that make you feel great when you’re feeling great—it won’t be long until you’re no longer feeling great again.

And up and down the rollercoaster you’ll go.

Better to prioritize feeling great on all the days.

Chugging Books

Unpopular opinion: Read slower.

Forget 2x/3x-ing your speed.

Blasting through someone’s deep work is like dumping a gallon of water into your mouth all at once.

Drink deeply from the words that were carefully chosen for each page of any given book.

Finish each drop.

A Good Life

Your hearing is as good as your ears. Hearing aids can help with that.

Your sight is as good as your eyes. Glasses and contacts can help with that.

Your life is as good as your mindset. Art, music, books, videos, nature, mantra, writing, therapy, mentors, exercise, relaxing, initiative, laughter, kindness, presence, podcasts, gratitude, journaling, having fun, meditation, forgiveness, compassion, speaking up, aiming higher, slowing down, self-discipline, healthy eating, curating media, embracing flaws, working harder, working smarter, helping friends, helping strangers, doing what’s hard, making things easier, athletic endeavors, community service, taking more breaks, building new habits, getting better sleep, minimizing resistance, embracing spontaneity, establishing boundaries, accepting responsibility, eliminating expectations, befriending better people, redefining what you desire, cutting back on obligations, venturing into the unknown, reprioritizing your priorities, saying “No” when you want to, saying “Yes” when you’re scared to, eliminating all comparison to others, letting go of what’s outside of your control, focusing more energy on what’s inside your control, immersing yourself in wisdom—

—can help with that.

Maybe not all at once, of course. But a few at a time? Undoubtedly.

Order doesn’t matter. Making mindset a priority is what matters. If you don’t, it’s like expecting ears to get better without aids or eyes to get better without glasses.

Quality Sleep > Early Rising

Rather than trying desperately to wake up earlier, focus on going to bed earlier.

There’s so much advice focused around “30 minutes earlier,” “5am club,” “rising before the sun,” and while I’m not arguing that it isn’t great if you can do that—what’s not great is subtracting sleep time from already sleep-deprived souls.

Prioritize getting a full night of sleep before you try prioritizing early rising.

Asking For Help

Asking questions doesn’t make you a fool; it’s you refusing to become a fool.

Seeking a coach isn’t a sign of incompetence; it’s you refusing to become incompetent.

Talking to a therapist isn’t an admission of poor mental health; it’s you refusing to let your mental health get to a poor state.

Asking for help isn’t you giving up, it’s you refusing to give up.