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Category: Investing In Yourself

Invest In The Light

I have an indoor plant sitting next to my kitchen sink that’s on the side of a window.

About half of the plant’s branches see sunlight and the other half doesn’t.

Earlier this week, as I went to wash the dishes, the growth imbalance was impressively noticeable. It honestly looked as though the plant might tip into the sink because of how long the branches reached on the sunshine side.

So, I spun it 180 degrees.

Glancing at it today, I was blown away at how quick its response was.

All of the little buds that were poking out from the branches on the old sunshine side have been effectively cancelled and tons of new little buds on the new sunshine side have been commissioned.

No hesitation.

Imagine if we were able to elicit such a quick response in our lives, too?

Does your work feel like it’s suddenly in (or heading towards) darkness? Does it feel like one of your sunshine relationships is setting? Is one of your favorite group activities coming to a sad conclusion?

Maybe this 180 degree turn is an opportunity for you to become more balanced. Maybe it’s an opportunity for you to invest in new branches and find new, fresh sources of sunshine. Maybe it’s happening for a reason and your resistance, complaints, and hesitation is precisely what’s keeping you in the darkness…

When all you have to do is redirect your energy and resources towards the new light.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

A Pillar For “Good” In Your Day

Every day I exercise… is a good day.

Because the fact that I exercised means that I (1) showed up for myself, (2) won the battle against my unrelenting, comfort-seeking ego, and (3) invested in a better, future me.

…And this is no small feat.

Even if all else goes to crap and I fail at whatever else I try throughout the day… I know I can at least lean on that.

…Which is no small realization.

If you agree, consider doing three things with this:

  1. Exercise every day—in some capacity. Intensity can (and should) vary. Because having a solid pillar of “good” holding up the weight of your day is always a good idea.
  2. Celebrate exercise in bigger ways. Even if it “wasn’t much” that you did. Because the difference between “not much” and none is WAY BIGGER than the difference between “not much” and “a whole ton.” (Read that again)
  3. Make exercise easier. Everything in society tells you to make it harder—because harder leads to quicker results—which is completely accurate. But, you know what leads to the best results? Exercise you do long-term, consistently, and in a way you actually enjoy. And the best way to accomplish all three of those things… is to make it easier. Both to show up for and to do.

Move To Recharge

Inner work can be exhausting.

Like changing a car’s battery.

But, once it’s done… it provides a source of sustainable energy that far exceeds what an almost dead battery could ever provide. As it is when we introspectively explore and update/change a fundamental component of our inner workings—exhausting at first, life-giving later.

Which isn’t to say inner work is a one-and-done process.

Like a car’s battery, it still needs to be recharged—which happens, counterintuitively enough, via driving. This works the same for us when we move our bodies, minds, and spirits by exercising, writing, meditating, etc. Movement, as it turns out, is how we keep ourselves charged—not depleted—with energy.

To be clear, we still need to sleep—this isn’t the kind of energy we’re talking about. What we’re talking about is the energy you get to use inside of your days after sleep—your vitality.

And if you want to raise your vibration and engage with more enthusiasm, you’ll have to invest a solid chuck of energy upfront. There is no way around this. But, once you do, and you give yourself a full night of sleep for it take, you’ll rise with a higher baseline of energy that wasn’t accessible before… that you can use to move and recharge even more… that you can use to FULLY engage with life.

P.s. I asked: How much awake time do you spend each day unplugged? Hoping the answer(s) might get you to have a think…

Stuck? Or Opportunity?

What might feel like “stuck” might actually be cocooning.

Take this time of stillness as a disguised opportunity to accelerate your evolution.

  • Read.
  • Write.
  • Meditate.
  • Build.
  • Sleep.

Eventually, “stuck” will no longer be able to hold you in place.

Become “unstuck” by outgrowing your current situation.

So Good

Working on your weaknesses will make you average (at best).

Working on your strengths gives you the best chance at becoming above average—maybe even excellent.

Spend little to no time working on your strengths, however, and you’ll quickly become average (or below average) and struggle to contribute to the world in powerful ways.

The trick is to align strength-building with the largest block(s) of available time you can afford each day and double/triple down on developing them compared to your weaknesses.

Because remember: your weaknesses are somebody else’s strengths. Let them own that skillset.

You focus on owning yours.

That is how you become so good that you can’t be ignored.

And that is the best aim to have in today’s hyper-competitive, hyper-connected world.

Nobody is desperately seeking to add average to their team/company/lifestyles.

Personal Growth > Vanity Growth

In today’s media driven world, there’s a ton of pressure to grow personal media accounts.

Which isn’t surprising because if what everybody is talking about is their favorite influencers, viral content, and follower counts—then, of course that’s what’s going to be at the top of everybody’s minds.

But, never let vanity growth take priority over interpersonal growth.

Like, when you feel obligated to consume all of your favorite creators new content, to post x new items to your socials, and to get that big project done for more revenue—but haven’t done anything for yourself…

…That’s a problem.

Maybe not immediately because maybe you can pull it off.

But, long-term? It will be. Because an absence of personal growth indicates a presence of personal atrophy.

And personal atrophy can only be hidden behind creative marketing for so long.

Eventually, people see through the shiny packaging and absorb the raw content for what it is.

And if what it is is regressing, then it won’t be long before they move to a different place where there is growth.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to influence more people or make more money.

There is something wrong with prioritizing those things at the expense of your interpersonal needs.

And not just because, you know, mental health, but because interpersonal growth IS the means to any worthwhile/ meaningful vanity growth.

So, remember, when you only have time to do one or the other, doing something for yourself should always get the priority.

Even when vanity growth seems to be the only thing everybody else is concerned about.

**Especially when.

Becoming More Useful By Practicing Uselessness

Beware: in many cases, it’s when we’re attempting to be most useful to the world that we actually end up being the least useful to ourselves.

An outward focus on productivity and getting things done can easily turn into a toxic work ethic that leads us to disregard the things we most need to do for our own personal wellness.

This is classic workaholic-ism.

Now, beware: the remedy I’m going to offer, like most pills, might be hard to swallow.

What we need to become comfortable with and practice is the idea of uselessness.

That’s right—being more useless to the world.

Did that thought make you cringe a little?

It’s got a distinctly counter-culture sound to it that might make you feel uneasy when thinking about.

Which would only further prove my point.

Being useless to the world isn’t an attack on your self-worth. It’s the very means through which you get to be more useful to yourself.

…Time when you get to stop compromising, negotiating, accommodating, pleasing, bending-over-backwards for, and sucking up to others in order to get things done.

Being useless to the world is about total and complete surrender to outward obligations and a wholesome focus towards the calls of your spirit.

Not towards distraction, inaction, or suppression—but towards introspection, healing, and overflowing.

Because we can only ever be as useful to the world as we become useful. And if we’re only ever focused on being useful to others, we never have a chance to be useful to ourselves. And one of the only times we get to ever be most useful to ourselves is when we’re most useless to the world.

Swallow the pill.