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Category: Investing In Yourself

Investing In The Best In Your World

It’s hard to be around people who are the best in the world at what you do, and not feel wildly inspired.

I say you and not they in the above sentence intentionally.

Because you could be around people who are the best in the world at what they do, and think to yourself… “I don’t know how they do that…” “That’s absolutely insane…” “I couldn’t imagine ever doing that…”

But, when you’re around people who are the best in the world at what you do—your chosen field(s) of focus, your area(s) of interest, your favorite pastimes or lifestyle practices—it’s much more likely you’ll think to yourself… “I don’t know how they do that… yet.” “That’s absolutely insane… and I want to learn.” “I couldn’t imagine doing that today… but, next year…!

Which is why we should always make it a point to invest our time and energy in both discovering and being around those types. It has very little to do with the few moments you might actually be with them and everything to do with the years you’ll spend nurturing the seeds they’ll likely plant in your mind.

Mind/Body Balance In Career

One of the things I like most about my career is the mind/body balance.

When I first started teaching martial arts, I was in the trenches. It was and still is quite physically demanding. And it keeps me accountable to myself because I have to lead by example and be the byproduct that I want my students to strive for.

As I evolved over the years, I started building skills that could be used to solve other problems in the organization I worked for and I started taking on more mentally challenging tasks. Things like marketing, curriculum development, class planning, systems management, website design, event planning, and so on.

…Until eventually, my day-to-day work was split pretty nicely down the middle with 50%-ish of my day focused on mental tasks and the other 50%-ish focused on physical ones.

Which, quite appropriately, is something martial arts aims to teach its practitioners to seek in everyday life. You never want to be doing mind-only work for the entire day and you also don’t want to only be doing physically taxing work that completely disregards the growth of the mind.

In everything you do, think about how you can develop skills in a complementary way in the complementary mind/body realm.

Some examples:

  • Real Estate Agent? Mostly mental work. Build physically focused handyman skills.
  • Construction Worker? Mostly physical work. Build marketing skills to challenge the mind.
  • Financial Advisor? Mostly mental work. Build health/fitness skills to become a more multi-dimensional (life) advisor.
  • Professional Athlete? Mostly physical work. Build pedagogy skills to optimally share gifts.
  • Social Media Marketer? Mostly mental work. Create and run a meditation group to physically balance the mentally taxing media effects.

We’re Auditioning Every Day

What you do speaks so loudly, I can’t remember what your résumé said.

As an employer who hires almost exclusively from within my organization… my prospects for hire are auditioning every day.

…In the way they walk, talk, act, and interact with others.

Which isn’t all that different from how it works everywhere in life.

Granted, most organizations hire people they’ve never met before—but, what is it they’re looking for? Your hard skills for the job, obviously, but also… the way you walk, talk, act, and interact with others.

Which usually requires references to speak on your behalf or knowing somebody in the organization who can vouch for you.

In other words, we’re auditioning every day. And not just for our current job(s), but for our future job(s).

The way you walk, talk, act, and interact with others today will determine who you get to walk, talk, act, and interact with tomorrow.

And if you can make it your problem today to upgrade that walk, talk, act, and interaction—just watch how the problems you get to solve upgrade in your life in some future tomorrow, too.

Experiential Living… via Others

“You’re not gonna like that I say this but, I don’t like reading self-help books.”

This is what an associate of mine said to me today.

To which I replied, surprisingly enough to her, that for the most part—neither do I.

Self-help has become a crowded space that features a ton of regurgitated ideas, shared in an often uncompelling manner, that frequently feels like fluffed up versions of blog posts that should’ve stayed as blog posts.

Maybe you can relate?

…And as a self-help nerd, you might think this presents as a problem.

But what I’m discovering more and more is that the best insights come from the best stories.

The ideas that resonate most deeply for me seem to be the hard earned ones. Not the ones where the insight is told directly—extracted by the author and written out plainly with a few supporting examples—but the ones where I feel like I lived the life of the person and experienced, through the lens of their story, the insight that was uncovered.

And I’m able to make the discovery and come to my own conclusion as a result.

In the same way that the best way to learn is to learn through (reflected upon) experience—the best way to self-help is to help yourself through the experiences of others.

In short: don’t read caricature self-help books—read fat biographies, autobiographies, and literature that has stood the test of time.

One insight from the latter is worth twenty insights from the former.

P.s. You can see what I’m reading and what I’ve read on Goodreads. Recommendations welcome.

Why I’ve Never Tried Hard Drugs

I didn’t want to like them.

This was the logic I adopted from a pretty young age.

I knew that if I liked it—whatever the drug being discussed was—I’d want to do it again.

And again and again and again.

And I’m the type who has a pretty addictive personality so this trajectory I knew, wouldn’t play in my favor.

And this is a strategy that has, all-in-all, worked out very well for me.

Not only in regards to hard drugs, but in regards to an array of temptations that have crossed my path—sometimes on very accessible and shiny silver platters.

Never forget: the present you experience today is a result of the consideration you paid to your future self, in your past.

And if you can keep your future self prioritized as you would a spouse, family member, or close friend—then when that future you arrives, you just might come to meet a version of you that’s elevated, skilled, and impressive. A version of you that’s on an exciting trajectory. A version of you that you’re proud to meet.

P.s. It’s not too late to start paying consideration to your future self, today.

Follow Your Curiosity (Sometimes)

Follow your curiosity is excellent advice. Except when that curiosity leads you down potentially wasteful and/or destructive paths.

I was thinking about this today as I reflected on why I was so damn sleepy.

This past Saturday, my curiosity piqued when I saw a social media video breaking down a Muy Thai fighter’s unique style and found out he was fighting that night. I followed the trail, found the fight, and ended up watching fights and fight videos until well into the night.

Then, on Sunday, I was watching football with my family. During the game, my curiosity piqued when I kept hearing about the upcoming “Must See” matchup between two great teams. So, after my hometown team’s game finished, I rushed home, took care of my final responsibilities for the evening, and stayed up, again, well into the night watching TV.

Now, did I learn something from these experiences—I guess. But, if I’m being honest, it was mostly wasteful. Earlier sleeps, more reading, and less passive entertainment would’ve been better.

Am I saying to completely ditch passive entertainment? I mean… I not not saying that… but, I will admit there can be a time and a place—for sure.

What I am saying though, is to weight the future costs of pursuing your present curiosities.

Is it going to lead to valuable skill building and useful insight or mostly wasted time and sleepy mornings? Because not all pursued curiosity is created equal. And if you can get better at picking and choosing which curiosities to entertain and prioritize… you just might find yourself picking and choosing between better/more upgraded life possibilities.

Borrowing Energy From… Tomorrow?

We only have so much energy we can utilize in one day.

And because of the productivity-obsessed, it’s-never-enough, hustle-based culture we live in, many of us are inclined (brainwashed) to try and squeeze every last drop of energy from our being every single day.

And while in theory this sound logical—after all, YOLO—the problem arises when we start borrowing energy from tomorrow.

See, what so many of us do in our modern world, is squeeze every last drop of energy we have… and then take substances (e.g. caffeine) that give us a few drops more… and then stay up late even though we’re utterly exhausted to squeeze a few drops more… and then try to wake up earlier to preemptively squeeze a few more (because, you know, 5am club)… and so on.

Until, of course, we’re so exhausted of drops that there’s hardly any left to give. Imagine an orange pressed through the juicing machine on it’s 30th consecutive press…

That’s you on your 30th consecutive press of energy without giving yourself the proper recovery and recharge that allows you to switch out the orange altogether.

…Hardly worth the effort.

Rather than obsess over how you can squeeze every single last drop of juice from the orange of our day… What if we focused on squeezing the 70% best juice of our day and then… here’s a radical idea… we stopped squeezing.

What if we left 30% juice in the tank for the next day?

What if… instead of obsessing on 100% squeeze today… we focused on 70% squeeze, every day, for a decade?

What if… starting today… you squeezed smarter instead of being so obsessed with harder?