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Category: Feeling Fulfilled

Discovering Stasis [Poem]

Sitting outside
on a beautiful day
the sun warms my skin
as the wind playfully rushes by
and in one cool sweeping grasp
steals it
before I can act

It is then
in but the span of a moment
that I feel nothing
neither warm nor cool
not wind nor sun
and my skin is dissolved
into the world
as the entirety of the world
is dissolved into my skin

How curious
that I am reminded
in but the span of a moment
that stasis can be found
maybe not permanently
but in the spaces in between

Where nothing is triggering
but nothing is comforting either
when wind finally arrives
and sun touches down once again
where all forces momentarily pause
and take much needed rest
before rushing again quickly
to wherever they need to be next

Fresh Eyes

One of my neighbors rents their house on AirBnB.

I saw the renters taking pictures of the rental, playing as a family in the backyard, and walking the neighborhood with intrigue.

It reminded me to look around with fresh eyes.

That the life we’ve become used to, someone else only dreams to have.

A Whole Slice Of Pie

If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.

But, don’t let the love for what you do be your only priority.

Finding and committing to the right work is important, but living a balanced life filled with family, friends, and other non-work related experiences… is more important.

Three areas worth considering when thinking about fulfillment in life are growth, connection, and contribution.

Here’s the thing, if you’re one of the lucky ones who feels like the work they’re doing is helping them grow as a person, connect with beautiful minds, and give back to a greater good—you may feel like you’ve hit the fulfillment tri-fecta!

What you’d be missing, however, is your growth, connection, and contribution as a father/ mother/ husband/ wife/ son/ daughter/ brother/ sister/ friend/ lover/ grandmother/ grandfather/ uncle/ aunt/ cousin/ neighbor/ niece/ nephew...

Your growth, connection, contribution as an employee/ employer is but one dimension to the fulfillment whole.

And a whole slice of pie is not the same as a whole pie.