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Category: Direction Matters

Aim For Direction

The goal isn’t healed—it’s to move towards healing.

The goal isn’t perfection—it’s to move towards excellence.

The goal isn’t detached—it’s to move towards non-attachment.

The goal isn’t unemotional—it’s to improve emotional intelligence.

The goal isn’t done—it’s to move towards a finish that has a rewarding path.

Aiming at unarrivable destinations can be quite frustrating… try aiming for a better direction instead.

P.s. Tomorrow (1/12) at 10am EST I will be releasing my first ever digital guide! In it, I’ll help you build unwavering confidence in your life’s direction in just 30 days. It’s powerful, concise, and beautifully illustrated. I can’t wait to share it with you. Full details will be sent tomorrow!

Goals for 2023

I find myself thinking a lot about duality lately.

How things are far more gray than they are black-and-white.

Which is why, as we move into the new year, I’m going to focus more on the balancing forces in all that I do in life—so that I may stay more mindfully in the middle of any which extreme.

Some of my initial thoughts:

  • A strong body… with a soft touch.
  • A serious focus… with a playful heart.
  • Concrete boundaries… outlining a warm host.
  • A “stay hard” mindset… that knows how to relax.
  • An uncanny hustle… that knows when to slow down.
  • An indomitable spirit… that knows when to surrender.

What are some of your goals for 2023?

4k Visualizations

Don’t just visualize.

Do deep visualizations.

They are not the same practice.

Until you can see in 4k clarity who you want to become, you’ll continue acting in standard definition—i.e. in the same standard manner you always have.

But with 4k clarity, you can start acting in ways your most powerful version would… because you can see, feel, and even hear everything that that version of you does—all the way down to how they move their arm from bed to alarm clock first thing in the morning.

It’s just a matter of bringing that version into focus by upgrading the TV of your mind.

Referencing a 1990’s, box and antenna, blurry-at-best definition screen won’t take you to 4k land.

4k land requires 4k vision.

It’s time to upgrade.

Black Belt You

What does the black belt version of you look like?

For me, as a 20+ year martial arts practitioner, black belt represents something much greater than combat or performance abilities.

Black belt represents potential fought for; potential realized; potential unleashed.

It’s a firm commitment to the realization of a greater version of yourself. A version that’s disciplined; focused; confident; respectful; generous. A 2.0 version that’s built to handle to challenges presented by life.

What does your black belt version look like? Even if you never plan on stepping foot into a Dojang (although I think it’s beneficial for most everybody)—a deep visualization practice can produce a life-changing image.

Because once you see this version clearly in your mind, you can finally start to reverse engineer your way to that 2.0 you. Without it, 1.0 you is all you’ll ever know. And you can’t reverse engineer to what you don’t know.

Close your eyes and start building.

P.s. In case you missed it, you can read the best of what I posted to MoveMe Quotes last week, here.

Lacking direction in life?

  1. Close your eyes
  2. Imagine the full realization of your potential in exquisite detail
  3. Write down what you see

There. Now plaster that on the forefront of your mind and focus your time/ energy/ and attention on manifesting it until it’s what you see in reality.

I have been making a daily effort to do this and it’s having a noticeable impact on how I think, feel, and act. Which is precisely how the process starts.

Reality On Repeat

Your current reality doesn’t have to be your forever reality.

  • You can learn new skills.
  • You can read new content.
  • You can try new activities/ hobbies.
  • You can change the people around you.
  • You can confront the baggage of your past and change how you see the world.

Or you can not do any of those things and continue to live your current reality on repeat.

The question you should reflect on carefully is: if I copied and pasted the general trends in all areas of my life (i.e. health, wealth, relationships) from the past year into this next upcoming year, would the results leave me feeling disappointed or thrilled?

Anything short of thrilled should raise an eyebrow in your mind.

If you want to change your reality then you’re going to have to change something in your reality. And the best way to do that is quickly—before your comfort zone can even process what’s happening. Here’s the plan: take an inertia-breaking action (the hardest part) and then keep the momentum going forward for as long as you can possibly manage it.

Inertia is the better-reality-killer.


  • Enroll in a dope course!
  • Read the first page of that book you’ve been wanting to start!
  • Sign up for a free Martial Arts class!
  • Invite someone cool to coffee!
  • Schedule a meeting with a therapist!

Don’t complicate the first step. Just take it. Break the inertia that has been boxing you into your reality re-run for too damn long.

Make the decision to live today for the tomorrow you can be thrilled about.