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Category: Direction Matters

Big Plans Today

I have big plans for the future.

As do you, I’m sure.

And in the moments when I can feel myself wanting them to become a reality now—I remember that having them all come true now isn’t the point.

The point is in the figuring it out; it’s in the earning that comes from the journey; it’s in the having something big to aspire to.

Big plans are like the magnetic north of our lives.

…Arrive in a snap and we lose all sense of direction. Focus on following the pulled arrow of our compass and we get to take a series of deliberate steps forward today.

When you think about it like that—having a compass to follow or having no compass at all—suddenly, using our big plans for tomorrow as the vehicle that creates our big plans for today becomes the ideal path.

…Directionless is not a great place to be.


P.s. My guide is all about how direction is more important than speed in life. If you need help figuring out your direction (and calibrating your life’s compass), check it out.


Most of us allow our insecurities to taunt us and control our mind:

  • “I’m not skilled enough to handle bigger job opportunities—I’ll fail and let people down.”
  • “I’m not confident enough to speak in front of audiences—I’ll mess up and get laughed off stage.”
  • “I’m not good-looking enough to ask that person I like out—they’ll just reject me and I’ll embarrass myself.”

Those who can make the mental switch from being taunted by their insecurities to being guided by them, however, will unlock not only a more rewarding path forward to follow, but will simultaneously eliminate “bugs” from their system that were misguiding them all along.

What does being guided by insecurities look like?

  • “I’m noticing that I don’t feel skilled enough to handle bigger job opportunities—I should take more classes, courses, or get help through coaching…”
  • “I can feel the fear inside me rise as I imagine giving a speech—I should start practicing public speaking more, in small ways, so I can build my confidence up for the future…”
  • “Maybe my hesitation to ask the person I like out is a sign of my humility, care, and respect for them… which could very well be qualities that they end up liking very much…”

P.s. My guide, The Art of Forward (Direction > Speed), was written to help you take a closer, more complete look at doing precisely what’s discussed above: calibrate your inner compass. More info here.

Inner Calibration

Imagine you had a GPS system that slowly lost its calibration.

When freshly updated, it’s precise to the centimeter.

But, when left ignored too long, it starts deviating in miles.

This is how our inner GPS system works. It’s not a calibrate “once-and-done” kind of system. It’s more like your smart phone and needs frequent software updates to keep it precise and up-to-date.

Now, you don’t need to do every single update (I know I don’t). But, if you skip too many update opportunities… that’s when centimeters start turning into feet which start turning into meters with start turning into miles

The difference between outdated phones and inner GPS systems is you won’t be able to notice an outdated inner compass as easily. The only way to check the inner calibration of your compass is to do careful and deliberate inner work. Which is, in many ways, counter-modern-culture.

If you can’t remember the last time you calibrated, it’s likely you’ve skewed off course—and possibly in a big way. How much can only ever be determined by you.

This isn’t to say that inner calibration is needed every day—but, it sure doesn’t hurt to do some calibration daily.

The bottom line to meditate on today is this: inner calibration needs to be a regular priority—are you making it one? …Because the destination of your life depends on it.

P.s. Need help calibrating your inner compass? The guide I recently created, The Art of Forward, can help.

Life’s Sunset

It isn’t usually until retirement that people look closely at the direction of their life…

And realize, at the sunset of their life, that they’ve gone in a wrong direction (hopefully not).

When you flip that paradigm on its head and slowly inspect your direction now… you get to make the necessary adjustments that’ll minimize (or mitigate) the regret of later.

And you’ll be able to relax as you watch your sunset marvelously paint your life’s sky.

Dear Future Me…

“Don’t let me forget this moment when I’m feeling bad again.”

This was said to me by one of my employees who was feeling… great.

She had been getting good sleep, hitting the gym and training martial arts regularly, was prioritizing healthy eating without meticulously tracking calories, and was avoiding the things that made her feel bad.

But, rather than me reminder her about this moment at some point in the future when her mood inevitably came down… why not have her reminder her?

In other words, how powerful might it be to have a video of you speaking to your future self saying everything you’d want them to know from this current great standpoint?

Or future you reading a letter from past you that’s written specifically to remind you of key thoughts/ practices to maintain during the inevitable hardships?

Maybe more powerful… what if you made a video or wrote a letter to a really great future version of you from when you’re in a really hard place? A reminder to not take it for granted and to really soak it all in…

I don’t think there’s anyone more convincing on the face of the earth than us speaking directly to ourselves.

Give this exercise a shot and maybe you’ll find out for yourself.

P.s. I finished uploaded my favorite quotes from Will by Will Smith. I captured 49 insights that moved me that I think will move you, too. Enjoy :)

Task Direction

In all that you do, question deeply the direction each task points you in.

While it may feel obvious that we want to be pointed towards “success,” “fulfillment,” “realized potential”…

The things we do each day often act in opposition to those seemingly obvious goals. When you look closely, what you might realize is that:

  • “Success tasks” often point you away from family.
  • “Fulfillment tasks” often point you away from yourself.
  • “Realized potential tasks” often point you away from skill building.

Repeat after me: no action without confirmed direction.

P.s. If you want to ensure the actions of your life are pointed in the right direction (and you don’t arrive at a later point in your life with regret), I created a guide that you can get here.

My First EVER Digital Product

Drumroll pleaseeeeee…

I’ve been creating content online since 2010 and have been waiting a LONG time for this day.

The day when I get to confidently release a product that I’m damn proud of… one where no short-cuts were taken… one that I’m confident will change the direction of people’s lives in a way that my free content won’t…

And so, without further ado, here it is:

The Art of Forward: Direction > Speed

Build Unshakable Confidence In Your Life’s Direction In 30 Days—Without Spending Thousands ($$$$) On Life Coaching…

The idea: Fast is the modern day default… Fast in the wrong direction can end up being one of your life’s greatest regrets. This guide was designed to help you build unshakable confidence in your life’s direction without the HUGE price tag.

What you get:

  • (30) 1-Page Meditations
  • (30) Direction-Altering Action Steps
  • (30) Beautiful/ Downloadable Illustrations

Who’s it for? The person who sometimes questions the direction of their life. The person who isn’t 100% sure about how they even ended up moving in the direction they are. The person who sometimes gets the feeling that there’s more to life—more to themself—than they’ve been able to cultivate and realize… and who knows, deep down, that either they’re being held back or are holding themself back…

Want to learn more? Everything you need to know is here

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Whether this is your first or 500th email from me—I really appreciate each of you. I’m on cloud 9 today :)