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Little Big Things

I see you…

  • Person who smiles when you could’ve chosen to frown.
  • Person who lets people in the lane when you could’ve chosen to cut them off.
  • Person who pays a compliment to a random stranger when you could’ve carried on and pretended like they didn’t exist.

You might not think you’re seen… but you are. Maybe nothing is said, no acknowledgment is paid, and maybe some things are done when none of us are looking… but have no mistake—goodness gets seen.

And while I (we) couldn’t say thanks in the moment for doing your part to improve our world—for whatever reason…

I’d (we’d) like to do so now.

Because it’s the people like you, doing the little things like that, who make big differences in the little lives of those living on this big planet.

Thank you.

P.s. If someone came to mind for you when you read this, forward it to or share it with them. There is no greater feeling than that of feeling seen.

Published inArchivesLiving WellMaking A Difference