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Life With Hands Empty

We are born with hands empty.

As we grow, we pick things up.

The more we hold on to, the slower we go.

Hold on to too much, and we drag to a halt.

We become lighter by letting go.

Letting go of what’s weighing us down.

Letting go of what’s eating us up.

Letting go of what was never ours to carry.

Reclaim access to your complete energy store.

Reinvest in a life where your inner child gets to explore.

A life where you are free.

A life where you are light.

A life where you are empty-handed, quick to move, and open to the possibilities of an abundant world.

This is why we let go.

Not because what we’ve picked up isn’t important.

But because life with hands empty might be more.

Published inArchivesThe Road To FreedomThinking Clearly