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Life Changing Results

Exercising regularly is one of the hardest things in the world for some people.

Which is why it’s SO important to not make it any harder than it needs to be.

I will be the first to admit that I take an easy route that ends with me under the bar each day:

  • I have an at-home gym
  • I have my clothes ready the night before
  • I take a long, hot shower
  • I drink a big glass of water with creatine
  • I foam roll for 15 minutes
  • I write my workout down for 5 minutes
  • I do workout specific stretches for 5 minutes
  • I play loud, vibed up music

…And THEN I’ll get my workout started.

Even after 20 years of working out religiously, the workouts themselves haven’t gotten any easier—I’ve just gotten better at showing up and tricking myself into doing the work.

I learned long ago that wake-up -> bar isn’t the path that works for me. The resistance (misery) eventually becomes too much and leads me to stray from the path. I’m the type that needs to ease myself in. This is what keeps me on the path.

Hard, misery-inducing workouts coupled with misery-inducing steps leading up to the workouts are glorified in today’s world and it’s no wonder regular exercise is so damn hard for so many.

Don’t feel pressured to go this route.

While it’s undoubtedly true that massive action will lead to massive results… it’s the consistent action that’ll lead to the life-changing results.

Published inArchivesHealth and FitnessLiving Well