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I used to love legos as a kid.

While I don’t play with them anymore, I still build daily.

And what I’m realizing is that each creation—each tweet; each 1-minute blog; each article; each LIVE Talk I host; each authentic interaction—is a lego block added to my collection.

And as it was when I was a kid: more legos = more possibilities, more creation potential, and ultimately… more remarkable designs.

This is why, in spite of having a LONG list of big projects I want to finish, I continue to spend substantial time on publishing mini-projects daily… because each day I add a new lego to my collection, is an instance when I get to proportionally grow the raw creation potential of ALL my ongoing big projects.

In short, in the case of Legos (literal and metaphorical) more is definitely better.

P.s. If these “legos” are helping you in the building of your own life creations, you can support my future “lego” building efforts here. You the best :)

Published inArchivesCreating ArtTransforming Pain