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As soon as you stop doing inner work, ego wins control.

The problem with ego winning is:

  • Ego is instant gratification driven
  • Ego will fight at all costs for its comfort zone
  • Ego likes plug-your-ears-la-la-la as a solution to problems

Inner work challenges each of these tendencies and asks important questions. Things like:

  • “Is this really all I’m capable of?”
  • “Is comfort the purpose of my life?”
  • “Will I look back and be proud of these decisions?”

And if you’re not sure who’s in control upstairs, go ahead and try answering those questions for yourself.

Are you steered towards “La-la-la” or intrigue?

You might be surprised.

P.s. I asked, “What is it exactly that makes your best friend your best friend?” Here are the answers. A great place to linger if you’d like to build more solid relationships in your life.

Published inArchivesIdentityThinking Clearly