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IRL Initiators

The person who initiates in-person, human-to-human gatherings plays a more important role than ever before in modern society.

Why? Because screens are capturing the best of our attention each day and are leaving us with less and less to give to IRL meetups—especially as algorithms, AI, and technology advance to make screens more and more addicting.

By the time we’re done with work or have a space in our schedule when we’re actually able to hang out with people, in-person… we’re exhausted. Or are more tempted by the easy access to screen dopamine than the resistance we might face when thinking about arranging IRL meetups.

I can feel it in myself: a hesitation; a laziness; a doubt; a distraction; a weight; a series of excuses; an expectation; an easier option—when I think about initiating IRL meetups.

And the crazy part is… I know I’m blessed with a circle of close connections who would love to meetup IRL and would laugh at the thoughts of:

  • “Well, I have to get my house perfectly clean before I invite them over.”
  • “I don’t want to set anything up until I know everybody vibes well together.”
  • “They’re probably as exhausted as I am and would rather chill at home than meet up.”

But, I suspect I’m not the only one…

What we need are people who can be proactive. People who can make arrangements, make the calls, discipline themselves with their screens, trash the excuses, and stick to their word.

There used to be a time when this was all there was.

Now… it’s a skill that needs to be built.

…Will you help fill the need for this ever important role?

Published inArchivesMeaningful ConnectionUnderstanding Love