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Interesting Little Problems

I have never taken a web design class.

Nor have I ever taken a coding or branding class.

Yet, here I was, spending 6+ hours this weekend doing all of the above for MoveMe Quotes.

I revamped the whole website and feel like I did a pretty damn good job of it.

It all started with a curiosity back in 2010: “I wonder if I could build a website that could house all of my favorite quotes?” Which eventually became: “I wonder how I can make this website cooler?” Which quickly turned into: “I wonder how I can speed this site up?” Which then made me think about: “I wonder how I can improve its SEO?” Which today is essentially a compilation of all those thoughts rolled up into one.

And I can’t even begin to list all of the skills exploring this one initial curiosity has helped me develop.

All almost completely unbeknownst to me as any kind of formal educational endeavor.

All just interesting little problems I get to solve while building something I think is cool and useful.

Learning works so much better this way. Don’t use “I haven’t taken a class / course on that yet” as an excuse to not explore a curiosity. Everything you need is readily available and but a few finger taps away.

You just need to do it.

Published inArchivesBeing Action OrientedLiving Well