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Information-Only Isn’t Enough

I spent this past weekend surrounded by some of the best martial artists on the planet and best minds in the martial arts business world.

On the one hand, I was attending a martial arts conference where presenters would share ideas, tips, and strategies that would help attendees run a better martial arts school.

On the other hand, I attended one of the biggest martial arts tournaments in the world which was being hosted right next door.

And what’s interesting is I learned just as much from the martial artists who were performing as I did from the presenters who were formally offering lessons and ideas.

It was a great reminder for me that learning isn’t just words, slideshows, and notes. Learning is an energy exchange. One that happens just as much from proximity to other people’s aura, actions, and behavior as it ever does from information and words.

Don’t just settle for words in our modern world. And definitely don’t let screens be your only window into the world. Get out of your shell. Leave the concrete jungle that is your home and home city. Get your eyeballs on some real life greats. Be in the presence of others. Feel their energy. Watch their mannerisms. Soak in their presence. Learn via proximity…

Information-only isn’t enough.

P.s. This is my post from Tuesday, July 9th.

Published inArchivesInvesting In YourselfLiving Well