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Important Reminders For Jugglers

Some reminders from my friend, Nat, to help you along your way:

  • “Your inner doom & gloom thoughts and feelings have no power over you unless you give it away.”
  • “It’s possible to make mistakes and still be accepted and valued for who you are.”
  • “It’s also possible to not be at your best and still make an impact.”

In the world of my career, there is no “done.”

There is always something else that either needs to be fixed, needs to be done, or needs to be done better. It’s a constant juggling act where there are many balls in the air… and the moment you start focusing too much on one, the other(s) start to drop. And when you shift your focus to the dropped ones, the ones you were focused on before start to drop. And so on.

…Maybe you can relate?

Nat’s reminders above are powerful ones and shouldn’t be taken lightly.

…Yes, keep improving your juggling techniques and awareness.

…Yes, take your work seriously.

…Yes, do the best you can.

But, also remember to give yourself some grace. Remember that you’re imperfect and are doing the best you can. Remember that you can make mistakes and still make a difference.

…Remember that your mental health is more important than your work. And the more you take care of yourself, the better you’ll be at juggling.

P.s. Nat also does resistance release sessions to facilitate healing self-sabotage tendencies. More on that here.

Published inArchivesOn VulnerabilityUnderstanding Love