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If This Isn’t Magic… I Don’t Know What Is.

A few months ago, I had the privilege of seeing David Blaine live.

To my surprise, about 90% of what he did during his magic show, I had seen him do online.

To his credit, I’m a bit of fanboy and have done deep dives into his content so it wasn’t like he was being lazy with his show or promotion. He’s a hulluva performer and will blow your mind any and every time you see him perform—regardless of whether it’s live or online.

What I found this to be a good reminder of, though, is the power of the internet.

The answer(s) you’re looking for in your life… are out there. Readily available. Just waiting to be uncovered with the right search, frame of mind, and dose of action. All free.

Some people neatly collect the answers and package them behind a price tag. But generally speaking, the majority of people who produce content are extremely generous and share what they learn and know for free.

What’s stopping most of us isn’t access to the answers…

What’s stopping most of us is distraction—we set out to follow one curiosity and get sucked down a rabbit hole digression. Or, said differently, boredom aversion. It’s only after we’ve sat with the problem(s) long enough, without distraction, that we’re able to bring clarity to our path forward, to clearly illustrate our circumstances, and to formulate action plans.

But, because most of us are so bored averse… we allow ourselves to get sucked down rabbit holes instead. And the magic problem solving power of the internet gets lost just as fast as a card from David Blaine’s hands.

Published inArchivesProblem SolvingThinking Clearly