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How Would You Coach You?

A question I’ve been chewing on lately:

“If I was coaching me what uncomfortable questions would I ask myself and (the important part) push myself to answer?”

Because ultimately, this is what many of the best coaches do. Why? Because we’re much more likely to believe the things we tell ourselves over the things others tell us.

And a good coach knows, if they can get you to say to yourself what they were just going to straight up tell you… their message will be far more likely to stick.

And how does one do this? By asking the right questions.

So, why not sit yourself down, get yourself a cup of coffee, put on some noise-cancelling headphones, and give it a shot yourself?

Even 15 minutes can completely alter the direction of your life.

Or… you could pay someone thousands and they could do it for you? Or… you could just not do it at all?

As always… growth in life will always be a personal choice.

The point I want to make is: the choice to grow is closer (and less expensive) than you might think.

P.s. Got any good questions that have led to noteworthy personal growth? Send a reply. I’d love to hear them.

Published inArchivesProblem SolvingThinking Clearly