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Honest Living

  • To believe in compassion, but to live with indifference—is dishonest.
  • To believe in wisdom, but to regurgitate ignorance—is dishonest.
  • To believe in connection, but to choose isolation—is dishonest.
  • To believe in health, but to purchase sickness—is dishonest.
  • To believe in calm, but to succumb to haste—is dishonest.
  • To believe in truth, but to speak in lies—is dishonest.
  • To believe in love, but to act in hate—is dishonest.

The more of these inner contradictions that you behold (whether you consciously realize them or not), the more uneasy and conflicted you will feel towards yourself. And the more in alignment your beliefs and actions are, the more at ease and at peace you will feel.

Honest living happens when what you do aligns with what you believe.

And the byproduct of honest living is inner peace.

Published inArchivesFeeling FulfilledLiving Well