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Heading Into 2023 With Shields UP

Participating in this world without SHIELDS UP is risky business.

  • Misery is constantly looking for company
  • Haters are always looking for someone to hate
  • Energy vampires are never not hunting for energy to suck

…Not to mention all of the manipulative / narcissistic / weird types on the loose.

If you want to protect yourself, you need to engage in the world with SHIELDS UP.

You should consider: building better boundaries, raising your vibration, upgrading your self-image, avoiding certain types of people, criticism surgery, etc.

This way your energy, attention, and time are protected and saved for those who you most want to devote your life’s most precious resources to throughout each of your days.

Cheers to a great year ahead.

Published inArchivesHealthy BoundariesUnderstanding Love