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Give More Credit To What’s Within

At what point do we stop seeking answers from others and start seeking answers within ourselves?

It feels to me like most people only turn towards their inner guidance once they’ve exhausted answers from the outside world.

Which, to me, feels backwards in most cases.

If you’re dealing with a life threatening illness or building a home from scratch or fighting a legal battle, then of course, seek answers from those who are professionally suited to solve those problems.

But, when you’re dealing with inner or interpersonal problems… the best strategy might be to seek answers from within until those are exhausted and then turn to the ideas of others.

Like when it comes to health… you probably know what you need to do… get serious and exhaust all those ideas first.

Or when it comes to relationships… they can get complicated… but they can also be simplified and I bet your inner guidance might know how to do that.

Or when it comes to career… the pressure to earn coupled with the exponential number of paths can make choosing overwhelming… and consulting others can convolute it even more… but take a good look within… and it’ll quickly become more and more evident which path(s) are best suited for you.

In most cases, I don’t think we give our inner wisdom enough credit. And with that lack of faith for what’s within, we don’t give it enough time or energy. And so we rely more and more on the information that pours in through our devices… but, this noise only further disrupts the pond of our mind.

Let it settle, listen a little closer, and you’ll soon see.

Published inArchivesProblem SolvingThinking Clearly